Age 4-6

Requirements & Overview

We emphasize hands-on activities, art, experimentation, and exploration. The ratio in this group is 12:1. All students must be able to use the restroom independently.

These students are just beginning to learn to read and write. They are just starting to recognize letters, sounds, and simple words, as well as beginning to express themselves through writing. For students turning 6 after 10/1, we would generally recommend this age group.

Class schedules

  • 9:30-9:45 Morning Meeting

    9:45-10:30 STEM Lab

    10:30-11:15 Music & Theater

    11:15-12:00 Spanish

    12:00-12:45 Lunch & Recess

    12:45-1:30 Art

    1:30-2:15 Reading Exploration

    2:15-2:30 Clean Up & Student Pick Up

  • 9:30-9:45 Morning Meeting

    9:30- 10:30 Music & Theater

    10:30-11:15 Social Emotional Learning

    11:15-12:00 STEM Lab

    12:00-12:45 Lunch & Recess

    12:45-1:30 Art

    1:30-2:15 Geography

    2:15-2:30 Clean Up & Student Pick Up

  • 9:30-9:45 Morning Meeting

    9:45-10:30 Music & Theater

    10:30-11:15 STEM Lab

    11:15-12:00 Spanish

    12:00-12:45 Lunch & Recess

    12:45-1:30 Social Emotional Learning

    1:30-2:15 Life Skills/Home Ec

    2:15-2:30 Clean Up & Student Pick Up

Course objectives

    • Develop an understanding of basic story elements: characters, settings, and plots.

    • Encourage imagination and creativity through various storytelling techniques.

    • Foster communication skills by sharing stories with peers.

    • Enhance fine motor skills through drawing and simple writing activities.

    • Build confidence and self-expression in a nurturing and fun atmosphere.

    • Self-Awareness: Recognize and label their own emotions; identify their strengths and interests.

    • Self-Management: Practice self-regulation techniques; develop coping strategies for frustration.

    • Social Awareness: Recognize and respect others' emotions and perspectives; show empathy and appreciation for diversity.

    • Relationship Skills: Practice active listening and communication; develop teamwork and conflict resolution skills.

    • Responsible Decision-Making: Make respectful and considerate choices; understand consequences and develop problem-solving skills.

    • Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy: Engage in mindfulness activities; build an emotional vocabulary for expressing feelings.

    • Home Management: Learn basic tasks such as setting the table, sorting laundry, and simple cleaning.

    • Cooking Skills: Understand basic cooking and baking processes, including measuring ingredients and following simple recipes.

    • Personal Care: Practice personal hygiene routines like handwashing, brushing teeth, and dressing.

    • Safety Awareness: Recognize basic safety rules for home, kitchen, and outdoor environments.

    • Basic Money Concepts: Introduce the concepts of saving, spending, and the value of money through play and simple activities.

    • Responsibility and Independence: Develop a sense of responsibility and pride in completing tasks and helping at home.

    • Author Studies: Learn about different authors and their unique storytelling styles.

    • Genre Exploration: Discover various genres such as fairy tales, animal stories, and adventure tales.

    • Early Literacy Skills: Develop basic reading skills, including recognizing letters and sounds, and understanding simple words and sentences.

    • Story Comprehension: Enhance listening skills and comprehension through story discussions and interactive read-alouds.

    • Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities like drawing, acting out stories, and making crafts related to the books read.

    • Love for Reading: Foster a lifelong love for reading and storytelling through enjoyable and meaningful experiences.

    • Exploration of Materials: Experiment with various art materials such as paints, crayons, clay, and collage.

    • Basic Techniques: Learn fundamental art techniques like drawing, painting, cutting, and gluing.

    • Art Appreciation: Introduce famous artists and their works, fostering an appreciation for different art styles.

    • Creative Expression: Encourage self-expression through individual and group art projects.

    • Fine Motor Skills: Develop fine motor skills through detailed and repetitive art activities.

    • Art and Storytelling: Integrate art with storytelling, allowing children to illustrate their own stories and ideas.

    • Basic Vocabulary: Learn simple Spanish words and phrases related to everyday topics.

    • Pronunciation: Practice correct pronunciation through repetition and song.

    • Listening Skills: Develop listening comprehension through stories and interactive activities.

    • Speaking Skills: Encourage speaking through songs, chants, and conversational games.

    • Cultural Awareness: Introduce aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures through stories, music, and art.

    • Confidence and Enjoyment: Build confidence in using a new language in a fun and supportive environment.

    • Musical Exploration: Introduce basic musical concepts such as rhythm, melody, and dynamics through songs and instruments.

    • Singing and Dancing: Encourage vocal expression and movement through singing games and dance activities.

    • Dramatic Play: Foster creativity and imagination through role-playing and simple acting exercises.

    • Storytelling: Combine music and theater to tell stories, encouraging narrative skills and expressive storytelling.

    • Collaboration: Develop social skills through group activities and performances, promoting teamwork and cooperation.

    • Confidence Building: Boost self-esteem and confidence through regular opportunities to perform and share creative work.

    • Hands-On Exploration: Explore basic scientific concepts through sensory experiences and simple experiments.

    • Introduction to Engineering: Build and manipulate basic structures using blocks, gears, and other age-appropriate materials.

    • Technology Discovery: Introduce early concepts of technology through interactive toys, simple tools, and digital exploration.

    • Mathematical Concepts: Explore basic counting, patterns, and measurements through hands-on activities and games.

    • Critical Thinking Skills: Develop problem-solving skills through age-appropriate puzzles, challenges, and group activities.

    • Creativity and Imagination: Encourage creativity and imaginative play through STEM-themed stories, songs, and crafts.

    • Introduction to Maps: Explore simple maps and globes, learning basic concepts like land, water, and direction (up for north, down for south).

    • Land and Water: Identify basic landforms and bodies of water, such as hills, rivers, and oceans.

    • Understanding Places: Learn about familiar places like home, school, and neighborhood, and how they fit into the wider world.

    • Where We Live: Begin recognizing where we live (town, country) and understand that people live in different types of places (cities, countryside).

    • Nature and Environment: Discover natural features in the environment and begin to understand why it's important to take care of them.

    • Exploring the World Around Us: Develop curiosity about the world through stories, pictures, and simple observations of places and environments.